Saturday, March 4, 2017

Why this Blog and Why Now?

This is a great question. I am fed up with the current political party choices-the Republicans have long stopped being the party I was one passionate for and the party that gave us Trump. They have long stopped being the party of true conservatism but have become the party of the radical religious right fundamentalists.

The Dems, while I often agree them on social issues they are often too radical for me or to concerned with the fringe. What else would explain Bernie? They are also too concerned with image and whether their members or officials meet certain check boxes-race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and religion-instead of who would be the best-no this doesn't mean that old White guys like myself should retain control but that diversity isn't a checklist.

Then there are the Greens, Libertarians, etc. These party offer nothing to me and often bring out the fringe and whose policies often make little to no sense to me or their candidates scare me.

The above doesn't also fully explain why this blog and why now? I have seen the wackiness of Trump and the Republicans and the Democrats that oppose him. There is no place for people like me-rational, moderate, thoughtful, progressive, but also strong supporters of our military and pro-business. I need a place just to rant-not in a profane and irrational way but in the thoughtful we all deserve and want. I can't say what I want to on Facebook, or via comments on articles, or even to most people I know-so this is my chance to do this and to also give me an outlet to be creative and to write